Everything you need to know about Exercise and Pregnancy

Everything you need to know about Exercise and Pregnancy - Belly Bands

We all know the benefits of getting regular exercise for both our bodies health and our mental wellbeing. But what about when you’re pregnant? 

Exercise and pregnancy actually go hand in hand. In fact, getting regular movement can really help as our bodies expand and grow; not to mention the other side effects of exercise such as increased energy, better fitness, and weight control.

It’s no secret that pregnancy puts a lot of physical demand on our bodies. And it’s no wonder that many pregnant women feel flat and tired while pregnant. But exercising while pregnant can really help to lift your mood. 

In this article, we’ll tell you all you need to know about exercise and pregnancy. 

Do you need to talk to your doctor first? 

Every pregnancy is different, which is why when it comes to exercise and pregnancy it’s important to get the all clear from your primary care doctor before you start exercising while pregnant. 

It goes without saying that if you’re somebody who hasn’t done a lot of exercise before conception, it probably doesn’t make sense to start training for a triathlon. That being said, if you’re already a fitness fanatic then a 10km jog might feel like a walk in the park.  

Aim to do 30 minutes a day of suitable exercise for your current fitness level - but only after you’ve had a chat to your GP or OB first. 

Body changes to take into account 

Exercise and pregnancy also requires you to take the changes of your body into consideration when planning your routine. For example, your body weight. As your body weight increases your balance and coordination may not be as good as they were pre-pregnancy. These changes can make certain types of exercise uncomfortable for pregnant women. 

Then there’s your loosening ligaments and joints to consider. As your body prepares to give birth, the ligaments around your pelvis will begin to soften and loosen. This can increase your risk of injury while exercising. Any exercise that involves jumping or quick changes of movement should be avoided during pregnancy. 

Lastly, don’t forget about your resting heart rate, which is likely to increase during pregnancy. When it comes to exercise and pregnancy, it’s important not to overexert yourself, as you might become dizzy or feel light-headed due to a drop in blood pressure. 

What forms of exercise are safe for pregnant women? 

Fortunately, there are plenty of forms of exercise you can enjoy while pregnant. These include: 

  • Walking - Walking is a great gentle form of exercise that provides a total body workout. 
  • Jogging - Another great form of exercise for pregnant women is jogging, though only in moderation and only if you were a regular jogger prior to becoming pregnant. 
  • Swimming or water aerobics - A great way to exercise when pregnant! Water supports the weight of your baby and there is virtually no risk of losing balance or falling. Plus you’ll be getting a great cardio workout at the same time. 
  • Yoga - A great way to workout and ease stress at the same time. It’s important to make sure your instructor knows you are pregnant so they can tell you which moves are safe to practice and which moves are not. 
  • Weight training - Just like jogging or running, if you never trained with weights prior to pregnancy it’s best not to start now. However, if you’re already familiar with strength training exercises this can be a great way to build better strength and flexibility and prevent lower back problems later on. 
  • Cycling - Stick to a stationary bicycle while pregnant as you may have some issues with balance and coordination as your baby grows. That being said, cycling is great for improving your leg muscle strength and gives you a good cardio workout. 
  • Pelvic floor exercises and core strength exercises - These are incredibly important while pregnant. The stronger your pelvic floor is before labour, the faster you’ll be able to regain your strength in that area post-birth. 
  • Support your belly, back and hips with Belly Bands

    Don’t forget, you can provide your body with some extra support while exercising with one of our belly bands. Belly bands are designed to support your belly, back and hips while pregnant, making exercise more comfortable and helping you to stay active. 

    Exercise and pregnancy requires some adjustments, but with a belly band around your bump you’ll have the support you need to continue doing the exercise you love. 

    Find out why over 60,000 mothers rely on our belly bands during pregnancy. Click here to get more info on our original 3 in 1 belly bands


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